/Users/gunamr/Desktop/muncyerp/ MuncyERP

Custom Reports

Code Description Run
$0 Report that runs Inventory in the System in which shows zero $0.00
$0_STD Bin Locations at Zero Dollars that omits special inventory
Bin Locations Report that Runs Inventory per Bin Location, typically used for cycle counts or year end inventory
INVREPLENISH Report that runs all inventory totaling the inventory for a specific location. P = PA - L = Lafayette - N = Kansas City
OPEN ORDERS Report that runs ALL open orders in the system in which have not shipped
OPEN PO'S Report that runs ALL Open PO's in the system that have not been received
UNPROCESSED ORDERS Report that shows all Unprocessed Orders
PROD OPEN ORDERS PA Report that shows all Production Open Orders - PA
Routing Report that runs All Routing for Materials
SEARCH FOR MATERIAL Report that searches for material
VENDOR TYPE Report that shows Vendors by Vendor Type
VENDORS Report that shows Vendors and Payment Terms a Vendor gives us
HLPD Report that shows Open Orders sorted by oldest to newest
TOTAL PARTS OPEN Report that shows ALL Parts In Total Open to Customers
CUSTOMER AR Report that shows ALL Customer UNPAID Invoices
MASTER PART LIST Report that will give you ALL Master Parts and the material associated with the Master Part
IRREGULAR TERMS Report that shows ALL Customers that do not have 1% 10 Terms
SHIP TO ZIP CODE Report that shows produt shipped to a specific zip code
Daily Sales Report Report that shows the total DAILY SALES
PO By Vendor Report that will give you the PO's by Vendor
SHIPMENTS BY TERRITORY Report that shows you ALL Shipments to ALL Territories in the system between specific dates
Discount Amount Report Report that shows the total Discount we have taken on Vendor Invoices
Vendor by Class Report that will show you a Vendor by Class, must type in a class to show report
Materials Used Report that will show you the materials used for a job.
Customer Contacts Report that will give you the entire customer contact for a specific customer
Calibrations By Date Report that will show you calibration invoices by date
LA Parts Sold Report that will show you Parts Sold to MI from Lafayette
PA Parts Sold Report that will show you parts sold to MI from Pennsylvania
KC Parts Sold Report that will show you parts sold to MI from Kansas City
LA Unit Price Report that will show you the price of parts sold to MI
Month to Date Purchases Report that will show you the total month to date purchases (received)
External Purchases Report that will show you the total external purchases (received)
Open Orders In Stock Report that will show you all Open Orders with Parts In Stock
PA Open Orders In Stock Report that will show you ALL PA orders with Parts In Stock
LA Open Orders In Stock Report that will show you ALL LA orders with Parts In Stock
KC Open Orders In Stock Report that will show you ALL KC orders with Parts In Stock
PA Parts To Make Report that will show you what parts need made for PA
LA Parts To Make Report that will show you what parts need made for LA
KC Parts To Make Report that will show you what parts need made for KC
Customer Credit Report Report that will show you what credit need made for Customer
Customer 60 to 90+ AR report Report that will shows you 60 to 90 plus unpaid balance for each Customers.
Vendor Payment Preferences Report Report that will shows you preferred payment Method for each Vendor.