Quick Start

Last updated: June 13th, 2022

Muncy ERP Update & Release Notes

The following release notes cover the most recent changes over the last 30 days. For a comprehensive list of product-specific release notes, see the IT department.

Version Control


Report For GL Code
  • We need to find a way to get a report out of ERP to show the detail on expenses
  • The report should have PO Numbers and Descriptions of what was purchased for Capital Expenses


Vendor Check
  • Vendor Check pdf & Check search Justin requested


Vendor Table & Vendor Invoice
  • Vendor Table Preferred Method & Vendor Invoice page Changes Justin wanted


Vendor PO Auto Save
  • Change the way auto PO save works
    • Change the way orders number being used. Get the latest order no and use that,
    • Alert rather than creating no matter what


Engineering Low Priority and New Items
  • The Quote Cost box is not filling in automatically. That should be a sum of the totals of the line items if there are no quantity breaks. In E2 it is not editable
  • Quotation Summary Space adjustment so all the price break does not go after description. (As Jeff explained).
  • Qty available show up in the search results


Inventory Build
  • A new page where shipping can create parts from inventory bins.


Release Notes
  • A new page where employees can read about the features and releases.